Clementine Hunter, a prolific and well known African American Folk Artist, was born in Cloutierville in 1886. Hunter spent most of her life, until 1970, on Melrose Plantation with the rest of her family. In her 50s, Hunter began painting, using oil paints and any available surface. Her brightly colored depictions of plantation life and religious subjects gained popularity, and by the 1970s her work was being displayed in major exhibitions across the country. She died in 1987 at 101 years old.

To read more about Hunter, and see more of her work, visit this website managed by the Cane River Art Corporation.
To read more about Melrose Plantation, check out this recent Shreveport Time article on the site.

Banner Photo: Funeral Procession, Clementine Hunter, 1950. Collection of the SCAD Museum of Art.